Tuesday, March 27, 2012


I’m not sure if you missed me…OK I know 1 person missed my blog (thanks Jenny!) so at least I have one fan in my fan club.  I do realize that I have taken way too long to hop back into the saddle of blogging.  Let’s just say I took a break for a little R&D (for my non-technical friends that is Research and Development).  In the case of my bloggity blog you could call it: Drinking and Dating.  While I was fully immersed in my D&D research, working full time and trying to be a mom, I just haven’t had time to write.  Ok, let’s face it – that is just an excuse.  These blogs only take me about 5 minutes, but alas that is my story and I’m sticking to it.

In the past three months (yes, I am so sorry dear bloggity blog I had abandon you for 3 long months) I have:  accomplished a lot at work, gained a lot of weight, lost a lot of muscles, made new friends, cut out some old friends, welcomed my son to his 7th year of life, paid a small fortune to the vet for dear Cliffy, bought a new car, visited with family, been elected to some new board positions, raised a lot of money, spent a lot of money, tried a sugar busting cleanse, ate an entire pound of Easter chocolate, traveled a bit, conquered strep throat, ran a few miles, completed a race, seen some old friends, dated a few good guys, met a ton of not-good-enough guys, and got a brand new job.  So, yes I have been busy dear Bloggity Blog readers.  I promise to keep the ball rolling and keep my posts coming.   There have been many adventures these past few months and I can’t wait to share them with you…  

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