Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Mom Did It

My little man has a really bad black eye.  Unfortunately it is not his first black eye, however it is the first black eye where he is old enough to tell people how he received a giant purple and blue bruise on his face.  Let’s just say this is one of those times I regret ever teaching my little man to talk….
After a rather muddy baseball game I made the little man shower.  Like any good mother, I was hovering in the bathroom making sure all of the parts that needed cleaning got sudsy.  Well, my little man didn’t necessarily feel like actually cleaning anything in the shower, so I had to intervene.  I pulled out my stern mom personality, grabbed a washcloth, added soap and started scrubbing.  Like a wild animal not wanting to be caged my little man broke free of my grip and bit it in the shower.  Yep, wham, blam, splat!  His little body splayed out on the floor of the tub with him screaming about his eye.  As the bruise swelled into a grapefruit I thanked the good lord that he wasn’t seriously hurt.
The next morning I dreaded the car drop off line.  I just knew someone was going to say something.  I mean really, my kid looked like he just went head to head with Tyson.  At least I had a legitimate story – me being the good mom ensuring cleanliness.  No need to worry right?
Not so…
Teacher in drop off line “Morning Little Man”
Little Man: “Morning”
Teacher: “What Happened to your eye!?!  Poor Baby!  Are you okay??!?!?”
Little Man:  “My Mom did it”

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