Sunday, October 2, 2011

Thank you Mother Nature

There are a lot of happy people in South Florida today.
No we aren’t happy about football scores - the Gators lost and I have no idea what the score of the Miami game was. 
The weather changed! 
Yep we woke up to 70 degrees, no humidity and sunshine.  It is amazing how a break in the oppressive heat can turn around people’s moods.  South Floridians have a bit of secret I’ll share with you.  The weather here sucks sometimes.  (Shh! Don’t tell anyone I told you.) 
We South Floridians wave it in your face all winter long that while our family and friends up north are shoveling snow, we are sunbathing.  While you all deal with raking leaves and winterizing your house, we are out fishing.  While you all are spring cleaning and fertilizing your lawns we are enjoying our lush landscapes and golfing.  Yes, we boast and we chide you about how horrible your weather is while our weather is perfect.
Then summer comes and you don’t hear from us, do you?  Suddenly our boasts and taunts are silenced.  You know why?  We are hot and that makes us cranky.  We huddle in air conditioned offices, and stroll the malls looking for cool air.  Sure our pictures of us in bathing suits and sun dresses show us having fun, but honestly, we are just wearing the bare minimum to keep ourselves cool and a step away from heat stroke.  We become cranky and agitated.  Our happy hours are a lot less happy because our bars are crammed with people fighting for the spot closest to the fan.  We don’t go swimming because the pool is hotter than a bath tub, and we can’t eat outside anymore because the bugs will devour you before you have a chance to touch your burger.  We grumpily wade through the summer humidity with dreams of a cooler fall and an enjoyable winter where we again can boast to our friends about the glorious days in South Florida.
Once the humidity broke it was like the chains had been lifted off people’s doors.  All of a sudden I see many more people walking to the beach, riding bikes and waving to their neighbors on their morning walks.  Our typical grouchy selves formerly too hot to smile and too bogged down to wave are now smiling and stopping to talk with each other. 
I think the weather today is teasing us.  I have a feeling that we will be trick or treating in flip flops and shorts again this year.  But for now, I’ll take whatever break Mother Nature wants to give us.  I’ll happily wave on my morning run and I might even say hello to my neighbor….

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