Honestly, I have a policy of not blogging about current life
events. (As in, I couldn’t tell you
about my dating life in case the man of the hour was reading my blog) Also I wasn’t quite sure where this blog was
going, it felt like it was kind of lost in the cyberworld of blogs gone bad.
When I started blogging I was just ranting about dating and
being single. Then I learned to adjust
to being single and got over the rants.
I then started blogging about being a mom, got super busy actually being
a mom and didn’t blog. Next, I started
listening to all of the buzz about “Leaning In” and “Girl Power” and “Ban Bossy”
and I thought to myself that I too need to make a statement and be super
awesome and fight some sort of injustice all via my wise words on this blog.
Talk about a stress!
I gave up.I couldn’t think of a thing to say. I like my life. I’m not angry at anyone or anything. I actually don’t mind getting up and going to work as I have a cool job and I think I get paid really well for it. I am by no means a super mom, but my kid doesn’t spend any time in the principal’s office (ok, maybe a little?), he has friends, isn’t obese and from what I can tell is doing ok. I am not in a serious relationship, but if I ever need a date to something I can find a handsome man to take me, or I am just as comfortable going by myself. All in all I have nothing much to rant about.
Then it hit me… the title of my blog is “DUH! Sometimes you
just need to say it.” This my friends
was my big DUH moment. People don’t read
my blog for my advice. People don’t even
read my blog because they care about what I have to say. People read my blog because it is random,
sometimes funny, sometimes sappy, and 100 % honest.
So, ladies and gents I am BACK to Blogging! I have no idea what the next blog will be or
if you will like it. But I can promise
you this. I won’t have an agenda, a plan or a slogan. I am just me blogging about the stuff that
pops into my head and I hope you enjoy it.
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