Being a working mom is busy, being a working single mom is rough, being a working single mom when every last one of your babysitters is out of town and you have a HUGE deadline and a sick kid is just plain miserable.
I am always the first to say that I am thankful for a great job with a flexible schedule. I have amazing parents who are good babysitters and I have a village of friends who help out in a pinch. What is that old saying, “when it rains it pours?” Yep, it was pouring germs in my house all week and weekend.
My Little Man came home from spending Thanksgiving with his Dad with an awful cough. Because I missed my baby so much I let him stay home from school to recover (I shuttled him between grandparents and babysitters and took a turn at home with him for a few hours on Thursday). I was able to get a few meetings and phone calls in, loaded him up with Nyquil and planned on a day of meetings for Friday.
Friday came and the cough was worse, I emailed the office and declared I was working from home. Loaded my baby up on some cough medicine, Tylenol and Disney movies and even did a few rounds of laundry.
By Saturday my Little Man was still coughing and we hit the Doctor’s office, where they immediately sent us to the Hospital for X-rays. My Little Man came down with a case of Pneumonia. What!?! We stopped at the pharmacy for his medicines and I loaded up on every variety of Lysol and Bleach I could find.

I gave him a dose (ok, two doses of his meds) tucked him in, and went to work. No, I didn’t go back to replying to emails or checking phone messages – I started disinfecting. Every surface, vent, pillowcase, dish, nook and cranny got scrubbed, bleached, sprayed and sanitized.
Mommy has a big week ahead and I am taking no chances!
True confession – I am not afraid of germ. I am afraid of coming down with the flu or a virus and not having my mommy or someone to take care of me and my Little Man.
What is worse than being sick? Being a sick mom!
Seriously, do you realize how bad it is when the Mom has the fever or a stomach virus? Moms don’t get to stop their jobs and remote in. I still will have to make lunch, help with homework and bath time, sign permission slips and walk the dogs. Someone still has to drive carpool, clean the dishes, pay the bills and remember what uniform day it is at school. So needless to say, my biggest fear is being sick when my village is on vacation.
Crap, crap, crap! My Village is in California for the week!
When my Little Man is sick, he gets all cuddly and wants to be hugged and snuggled. He’s cute. I don’t mind. But when he has GERMS with a big G like Pneumonia I spend my time balancing his hugs and avoiding his kisses. I mean I love my kid, but my week is way too packed to get sick today. I successfully avoid him during the days and take an entire bottle of Vitamin C to create my force field.
I happily go to bed early and am in a deep sleep, when all of a sudden I feel something breathing on my face… Uh oh! GERMS! (I can’t scream or yell, I mean he is only 7 and has no idea what he is doing spreading his big G GERMS all over me)
I gently pat his back, tell him to roll over, and spray his pillow and mine with Lysol.
T Minus 5 days until my village returns.
Hope your Little Man feels better now. I don't think this is the most appropriate thing to say at this time, but I did enjoy reading this. Made me go "oooh" "aaahh" and "eeeww". No matter what the situation, you have the power to bring a smile to your readers' faces :-)