Last night I was having dinner with a friend and we were reflecting on our past year. She mentioned that she wasn’t really in the holiday mood and was pretty much looking forward to 2012 being over. She told me that she started off last year dating a new guy, moving into a new apartment and excited about her job. But she is ending the year not dating anyone, frustrated at her noisy neighbors and overworked and underpaid at her job. When you look at your life in such a way as that I guess she had a point.
Which led me to think about my past year…(if this were a sitcom I would insert some music and make the screen fuzzy to insinuate time travel)….
At this time last year I was starting a new job that WAY underpaid me (but it was a job so I took it!), living with my son at my parents’ house, driving a car that didn’t belong to me (thanks Mom and Dad!) and probably not dating anyone (Ok, sorry about not know this last fact, but I truly don’t remember my relationship status, which leads me to believe no one of value was in my life at the time).
So here I am in a job that pays well (thank you holiday bonus!), driving a new car I pay for, living in a house I rent and still not dating anyone of mention… If you compare apples to apples, or oranges to oranges, or whatever the heck you want to compare my past year was pretty good!
But I digress… while discussing our success and/or failure of 2012 my friend and I came up with as Oprah would say an “AHA! Moment.” Basically I think you can determine your attitude about yourself and your past year if you measure it against a goal. Last year about this time my only goals were to pay my bills and not fight with my mom over turning lights on and off in the house – she is a consistent “Turn the lights off” person and I tend to be a “leave a light on for someone” person. As you may imagine our lighting philosophies tended to lead to some royal battles. So I started this year with reasonably attainable goals. Once I started accomplishing these little goals I was able to really start enjoying my year; new job! New friends! New travels! New dates! A few bad dates! (Ok, they get explanation points too because, let’s be real, my dating life is HILARIOUS at times) and on and on my list went with new things.
I decided last night that my goal in life (at this moment) is to be a good mom. Really, simply, that is it. I have a job that allows me to put my Little Man first. I have friends who know my son is my priority and I only will date people who understand that as well. Sure, my long term goals will be to retire wealthy, buy a beach house and travel to Europe. Of course my professional goals are to get promoted, be recognized as a leader and contribute to our society. However, for 2013 my one simple goal is to be a good mom and I am happy to say that I am 100% committed to the task. As for my friend? I am not yet sure what her 2013 goals are but I may suggest finding a new place to live as her neighbors really are noisy!